Get the extra funds or assistance that could change your experience of studying

Scholarships for International Students

We know that tertiary study in abroad can be expensive, but many institutions recognise this and provide scholarships to honour your commitment to your studies.
These scholarships are specifically designed to ease some of the burden for high-achieving and disadvantaged students, so you can concentrate on achieving the best possible results without being concerned about money.
Aid is available in some form for many study areas and institutions
We’ll help you easily find and apply for scholarships
You could save tens of thousands of dollars off your course fees

Here’s how it works

There are a huge variety of scholarships available across many of our partner institutions in Australia, Canada and UK (and we know about all of them). When you speak with our Education Counsellors, be sure to ask them which scholarships might apply to your situation – you’d be surprised at the difference some extra funds or discounted tuition could make.

List of international student scholarship

When you speak with our Education Counsellors, be sure to ask them which scholarships might apply to your situation – you’d be surprised at the difference some extra funds or discounted tuition could make.

Who We Are

Hayat Consultants is an award winning team of registered migration agents and PIER-certified education consultants that have helped over 180 students successfully study with top universities and education providers across the world. Our multilingual team speaks over 12 languages and have been trusted representatives of over 42 top universities and schools around the world.